Saturday, November 27, 2010

Evelyn and Finn - the story, part two

I am pleased to hear that my little story about my grandparents and true love have touched and inspired people. It warms my heart. Therefore I have decided to share a few more moments of their past.

Evelyn and Finn the summer they met. I imagine it is taken at a train station leaving summer camp. I wonder what it was like to meet the love of your life in a country at war.

My grandparents dressed up to go out on a date. Taken in front of the house I grew up in.

Happy puppies with Bob the dog.

Pure happiness. I love this picture so much.

Summer of 1953, Finn and my baby father. Note those lovely high waist shorts and the fab stroller in the background. And of course- that flawless, wavy hair again. Grandpa once told me they used butter to get the right, shiny look.

Proud Evelyn teaching her son how to swim.

Another favorite!

Young Tore dressing up.

In 1954 Evelyn and Finn bought a small cabin by the sea. They absolutely adored that place and spent every summer they had together there. I remember how Finn would dress up in white shorts, a blue and red striped navy kind of t-shirt and a captains hat every time we went across the fjord to go for ice cream. It was a five minute trip. I still go there every summer.

Preparing dinner. Evelyn may have been a classy and elegant woman, but she was not afraid to get her hands dirty.

Party at their friends cabin, late 50s.

Solveig, Lillian and Finn. I love their casual yet stylish outfits and hairdos. Who would bring an evening blouse or a dress for a cabin trip with friends these days?

Finn was the sweetest man you can imagine. He always walked around whistling happy tunes.

Growing up, I remember how my grandparents would start dancing with each other whenever they heard a song that they liked on the radio or the t.v. Finn especially liked that good old New Orleans style jazz. I am sure this would make them dance:

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Evelyn and Finn - the story.

I named this blog after my biggest source of inspiration in life, love and aesthetics after my beloved grandparents; Gerd Evelyn and Finn Torleif. They belonged to a generation of modesty and style, both in the way they presented themselves and their home. I am certain that my countless hours spent with these wonderful and elegant people triggered my own fascination for vintage style and the design of the 1950s and 1960s. Here is, in brief, their story;

Lovely Evelyn was almost eighteen years old when she met and fell in love with the three years older handsome Finn during World War II. He came from a somewhat wealthy family and was expected to take over the family business as he grew older. She had lost her father at the age of ten and had to help out her mother and brother ever since. His family wanted him to choose differently, but he wanted Evelyn.

They both shared a passion for the outdoors and both lead an active life. She was a passionate gymnastic and swimmer. He was on the Norwegian Junior Bandy team, but was also into football, ski jumping and playing the fiddle...
(Here the summer of 1943)

But even on their many trips into the wild they still managed to stay well dressed and keep a dandy hairdo.

Evelyn, summer of 1942.

Evelyn and Finn celebrating May 8th, 1945. War is over, the last German has left and a bright future is ahead.

Evelyn was a tough and strong woman who worked all of her adult life as a lifeguard at the public swimming pool.

Finn refused to take over the family business, but was forced to take a job at his family's factory during the war. He stayed there the rest of his working life, but he always secretly wanted to work with aesthetics and fashion.

Evelyn was a member of the city's gymnastics team until she was way past sixty years old. Here she is probably showing off for her fiancé Finn during the summer of 1947...

Finn was the silent type with a passion for fashion.

Evelyn sunshine. She love-love-loved the summer, just like me. She and Finn spent every moment of the lovely Norwegian summer outdoors.

And during the winter they went skiing,
perfectly dressed of course.

Cabin trip and skiing with friends, 1948. Note the matching shirts and fabulous sunglasses.

Evelyn and Finn with my baby father in 1953.